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This privacy policy dictates how Relentless Investigative Training collects your data, uses it, maintains it and shares the information gained through user activity on the website ( This policy applies to the site itself, the services and products offered to our customers.

How Relentless Investigative Training Is Committed to Protecting Your Information and Privacy

RIT uses appropriate storage, data collection, processing and security in order to protect your data against malicious use, manipulation, illegal access, nonconsensual revelation, and destruction. Your information in terms of your username, transaction data, passwords, personal material and information stored on our site is protected through the aforementioned means

Who Do We Share Your Data With?

RIT does not engage in any unethical trade, selling or renting of the personal identification of users to other entities. General information such as demographic information which is not linked to personal profiles may be shared with our business partners, associates and promoters for the reasons stated.

Third Party Websites

Users who visit RIT might find promotional material linked to the products and services of our partners, advertisers, sponsors, licensors, suppliers and other associated third-party entities who are involved with us on business terms. RIT does not have any control over the links or materials that appear on the aforementioned sites and are not responsible for the procedures and practices at place on these linked sites.

Changes To the Privacy Policy

RIT reserves all rights to update this policy at any time without prior notice. In such a situation, the details revised will be updated at the bottom of the privacy policy page. Users are encouraged to check this page for any changes in regards to the privacy policy in order to remain updated in how your information is protected by RIT. By continuing to do business with RIT, you are agreeing that it is your responsibility to periodically review the changes in the privacy policy.

Users’ Acceptance of The Terms and Conditions

By visiting our site (, our users give consent to accepting our privacy policy. If any user(s) has reservations in regards to the policy, they are unadvised to visit RIT. Choosing to continue visiting the site will be treated as acceptance of the terms and conditions.

Contact Us

If you have any queries regarding the privacy policy, the site’s practices or your actions while on this site, you can contact us at: [ENTER CONTACT DETAILS].